Trying to slow down your little one once they have mastered standing, walking, and finally, running can be quite the challenge!
Obstacle courses are an amazingly fun way to keep your little one engaged and at the same time challenge their gross motor control and coordination, develop motor planning and also support their ability for self-control, persistence, determination, and boosts confidence!
You have items in your home right now that would make a wonderful indoor obstacle course! If you have yoga blocks or other sports equipment, include it! The course can move throughout your home or stay in one room. When the weather permits, make one outside...the options are endless!

Pictured here is a quick obstacle course that I threw together in less than 5 minutes (now, I didn't have a curious toddler coming behind me and moving each thing as I placed it, but you can totally do this!) Here's what I made:
Throw pillows for a wobbly pathway (for walking or dino creeping)
Child-sized chair to climb on top and jump off or run around
Dining room chair to crawl under (bonus for the blanket to crawl through!)
Bathroom rug to log roll across (a yoga mat or towel would also work)
Yoga block for an amazing, balancing "up" shape
Other items that you might use include:
A balloon to throw up in the air and catch
Painter's tape "X" shapes for jumping on two feet (apart/together/apart)
Small box to step over (or on top then off)
Large boxes opened up for tunnels
Painter's tape for zig-zags to follow or lines to jump over
Don't forget there are so many fun moves that your little one can do on a washcloth spot like shape making, spinning, shrinking, and growing!
Watch your little one and notice what interests them then find a prop or toy to create an obstacle. They'll love it and will be thrilled that you gave them a "yes" way to support their curiosity!
Tune in to what excites your little explorer and use their own ideas to create a personalized indoor obstacle course - particularly good for rainy days!
To learn more about your little one’s amazing brain development and receive ideas for fun, meaningful movement activities, subscribe to GrowBabyGrow by clicking below 👇🏽