The way we like to move our bodies can reveal a lot about how we think and relate to others in our world.

Getting to know your own movement preferences and how they differ from your little one’s (or your parenting partner’s) helps us to appreciate our strengths and how each and every one of us brings our own special energy into this world.
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Spring brings a surge of ⚡ENERGY⚡ that feels unstoppable! It can be invigorating, motivating, and also overwhelming! You may sense energy shifts in your own body AND you will certainly notice when your little one feels it!
Noticing and delighting in the ENERGY of our movements helps us get to know our children's basic temperaments, as well as our own, through movement and play. It reveals how we prefer to interact with the world around us and helps lay a foundation of experiences from which your little one will establish their sense of self and become grounded in their body.
Your little one has not yet mastered the ability to use logic and words to express their feelings, their expanding movement “vocabulary” offers ways to communicate using their first language of movement. Because how we move is how we think!
Join GrowBabyGrow at Arts in Play every Saturday at noon, in person at Family Health Center (East Broadway).
#GrowBabyGrow🌱 #GrowBabyDance #ArtsInPlay #NurturingPathways #MoveToLearn #PlayToGrow #loufamfun #toddlerdance #babydance